Unser Brief an Sara ist auf dem Weg, unten findet ihr den Inhalt (auf Englisch). Anbei zwei Karten, die wir in der GMBH alle unterschrieben haben und vier Gruppenbilder. Ich hoffe, sie wird sich freuen.

Dear Sara,
we want to introduce ourselves to you as your sponsors. We are a Christian youth group and meet up every week. We are a EC group – that means “decision for Christ” – and our group has the
particular name “community with justified hope” additionally. In our group there are girls and boys of the ages 14 to 25. Every Saturday evening, we do a little worship, sing songs, celebrate the
Lord and we pray, also for you. Sometimes we start sport actions, we cook together, watch movies or have a gaming evening.
We are from Germany, especially from Saxony in the east of Germany. Our hometown is not large, but there are a lot of young people. So we are 15 up to 25 members every week. Each week we collect
money for you and everyone gives a little of his or her pocket money. If many people stand together they can help with everyone’s gift. We are strong together.
We hope you had a nice Christmas celebration and we are proud that you can pay your examination fees with the Christmas money we gave you. At first we wanted to pack a package for you, but we
didn’t knew what you needed. We are sorry that we write only now.
We want to support you! In September, we decided that our group should support a girl in India and so we recovered you. At this time, we had a devotion about the verse Matthew 25:40:
"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers or sisters of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'.”
So we decided to find someone we could help. We liked your hobbies like singing or dancing. We could use a good singer in our group. We hope you enjoy your studies and we hope you will get good
marks. We visited the website of the Bishop Heber College and liked the college and also the hostel. We were glad to read that you have found some friends and that you improved your skills. If
you work hard, you can become an officer of the Indian Administration Service. Then your dream will come true. Your task is it to care for your conditions to be as good as possible. You deserve
the best learning circumstances. We can imagine that your college is a wonderful place to learn. And with the help of our God you will manage it. Our God is great and he paves the way around half
the earth. No way is to long for God– neither the way from Germany to India nor back.
We’d be glad to hear more about the golden jubilee of your college. We think that will be a great celebration and a good reason to fete. Will you also take part in the program? We wish for God’s
blessing for your jubilee.
The best wishes to you and God’s blessing! Pass greetings to your family!
With love,
The Community with Justified Hope from the EC Geyer
If you want to know more about us, you should visit the website ‘www.ec-geyer.de’.
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